the past does not equal the future
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be so overbearing and completely become the dominant factor in someone’s life. All what’s happening is the person is playing a traumatic past event in their mind over and over which manifests into many debilitating symptoms from panic attacks, to not being able to go outside, to nightmares etc. And many times this happens without any conscious awareness and thus out of their control. This is a classic case of the issue is still unresolved.
There’s a common denominator with people who have become free from PTSD and people who still feel trapped. All we have to do to help you become free of this burden is change the way you are representing this awful event so it has no power or impact by scrambling it up so the memory never plays the same way ever again. By changing the way it’s coded in your head is how you will become free, and yes this actually can be done in as little as one or very few sessions, regardless of how bad this traumatic event has affected you before.
I’m here to tell you anything can be overcome and you can experience Post Dramatic Growth, when you truly eliminate the cause of the PTSD. The world is full of inspiring stories where people have overcome unbelievable traumas and conditions and became free, and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t too.
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