Take away the cause, and the effect ceases.

~Miguel de Cervantes

Can you give me an overview of what is involved?

First, we must talk over the phone so we can know exactly what’s going on and figure if this is the right approach for you.  No matter what the issue is we must focus on eliminating the cause for you to be free. Once we’ve worked out the cause of the problem I will then put together the right strategy from a multitude of different therapies that will be most effective for you.

What goes on during the session?

Sessions can last from 2 to 4 hours, during which we will help you understand exactly why you’ve been doing this unwanted behaviour, the true cause. I don’t use any gimmicks, any drugs, any replacements, nor do I hypnotise people. I simply work from your timeline to find when the issue first started and challenge all the reasons why you’ve been doing it in the first place. We must also eliminate all fears and concerns about changing and get all your beliefs in proper alignment to support you.

I’ve Smoked For So Long Can I Be Helped Or Am I Too Addicted To Stop?

Of course, it’s never too late to change. The amount of years you’ve smoked is not the issue, it’s understanding exactly why you smoke, the true cause. I will cover psychological addiction in detail and will show you how to become free whilst eliminating any fears that may have been holding you back. This is the most important aspect of the smoking cessation process because without this you’ll no doubt think that quitting smoking is hard and requires a great deal of willpower. We then must rewire your beliefs about cigarettes so you never go back.

I’ve Had This Issue For Years Can I Be Helped?

It is my belief that anybody can change from any destructive addiction. The simple fact is nobody was born addicted to anything, so if you wasn’t born with this condition you simply don’t have to live with it. 

Is There Any Follow-up Support Afterwards?

Absolutely. I feel it’s my moral duty to see how you’ve been affected after the session so I’ll give you as much ongoing support as necessary at no extra cost. If the issue ever comes back you can book a session so we can help you get right back on track.

Do You Offer Sessions Via The Web?

Absolutely. We technically don’t have to be in the same room. If you’d prefer a face to face session my location is in Grimsby, UK and house calls are also available if necessary. Live sessions are available through online video chat services: Skype, Facebook Video, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom.

How Much Do You Charge And How Do I Pay?

I conduct many different sessions for different issues (both one-to-one and group) so the prices vary. All prices will be discussed over the phone. I accept all payment methods: Cash, Cheque, Card Payments, BACS, Paypal.

How Do I Book A Session?

I cannot take anybody on without speaking to them either face-to-face or over the phone first so we can know exactly what’s going on and figure if this approach is right for you. This is where we will talk details like time, place, duration, payments and what to expect etc.

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